Bakken crude volatility
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has released a study of Bakken crude between August 2013 and May 2014 that shows the oil from the region tends to be more volatile and flammable than other crude oils. The industry disagrees.
Kari Cutting, vice president of the North Dakota Petroleum Council, said she is disappointed. The petroleum council released a study in May saying Bakken crude is not more volatile than other sweet crudes, She said the council and Department of Transportation used the same data for their conflicting studies.
“I don’t see the data supporting (DOT’s conclusion),” she said.
Cutting did say she did not think the study results would affect the industry’s ability to move crude by rail because DOT said the crude is properly classified under rail shipping standards.
The study highlighted safety risks are higher when transporting Bakken crude for other reasons too, including:
* Higher volumes being shipped.
* Shipment over longer distances.
In 2008, 9,500 railcars of crude moved through the country. Last year there were 415,000 railcars.
On average, Bakken crude oil shipments travel more than 1,000 miles from point of origin.
Reach Jessica Holdman at 701-250-8261 or