Letter: Methane limits critical to Fort Berthold; tribes seek Heitkamp’s help
Is Sen. Heidi Heitkamp on our side? Right now, a Congressional Review Act is before the Senate to permanently kill the Bureau of Land Management
Is Sen. Heidi Heitkamp on our side? Right now, a Congressional Review Act is before the Senate to permanently kill the Bureau of Land Management
Tribes Support BLM Methane Reduction Rule, Congress Should, too Tribes support keeping rule as baseline for venting and flaring regulations FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 2,
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 9 May, 2017 CONTACT: Liz Loos 701-426-2256 eloos@drcinfo.com BEYOND STANDING ROCK (2017) Bismarck, ND– Dakota Resource Council announces the
Thursday, March 30, 2017 Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public Library Dakota Resource Council is continuing to create spaces for dialog about the unfolding of Dakota Access
On March 24th , Daryl Dukart, of the Dunn County board of Commissioners signed a letter on behalf of the Western Dakota Energy Association. The
North Dakota’s energy resources are important for us to be able to provide for our people, but right now because of outdated and ineffective guidelines
February 23, 2017 Contrary to most media coverage, clean-up has been well underway for quite some time at Oceti Sakowin. Over the past year, thousands
February 23, 2017 Fort Berthold Protectors of Water and Earth Rights (POWER) members collaborated with science students from Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College to present a symposium
Industry-backed members of Congress have initiated a rarely used measure called the Congressional Review Act to repeal a recent rule to reduce waste from