Court to Hear Concerned Citizens of Buffalo, ND vs. ND Health Department on Factory Hog Operation – Monday, February 6
For Immediate Release: February 2, 2017
Contact: Derrick Braaten #701-221-2911
On Monday, February 6, East Central District Court in Fargo will hear the Concerned Citizens of Buffalo’s legal challenge to the State Health Department permit for a 9,000 hog Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation near the town.
WHO: Concerned Citizens of Buffalo, North Dakota vs.
North Dakota Department of Health and Rolling Green Family Farms RE, LLP
WHAT: Oral Arguments in Case # 09-2016-CV-02561
WHEN: Monday, February 6, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: East Central Judicial District Court
Cass County Courthouse
211 South 9th Street, Fargo, North Dakota
Prior Articles On This Issue:
– INFORUM, September 8, 2016, “Forum editorial: Saying no to factory hog farm”
– DICKINSON PRESS, Patrick Springer, September 1, 2016, “Residents seek to block hog farm
planned near Buffalo, ND”
– VALLEY NEWS LIVE, Natalie Parsons, August 5, 2016, “Buffalo, ND is one step closer to
neighboring hog farm”
– HIGH PLAINS READER, Matthew Musacchia, June 8, 2016, “Citizens of Buffalo still waiting on hog farm decision”
– DAKOTA FREE PRESS, Corey Allen Heidelberger, March 21, 2016 “State-level
permitting adds secrecy to CAFO plans in ND; Swine poop brings less money; more MRSA?”
– INFORUM, Adrian Glass Moore, March 17, 2016, “Buffalo residents threaten lawsuit in clash
over proposed 9,00 hog operation”
– GRAND FORKS HERALD, Patrick Springer, January 25, 2016, “Proposed hog farm ignites
corporate farming debate”