DRC Statement on Bakken Oil Standards Rule



DRC Statement on Bakken Oil Standards Rule


Bismarck, ND—


47 people died in one small Canadian town when one of our Bakken bombs jumped the tracks.  It’s only a matter of time until it happens here. The new regulations should help, but regulations are only as good as the enforcement. Our current state officials have shown a lack of will to enforce rules and regulations or take serious legal action against violators.


If we continue on the present course, it’s simply a matter of time before a North Dakota town or city is devastated, and innocents are killed by a derailed Bakken rail bomb.


DRC members hope today’s action is real and not just a public relations move, but we have doubts given current elected officials ineffective track record regulating the oil industry.



Attending today’s North Dakota Industrial Commission meeting was DRC member Jim Unkenholz, Bismarck.


Unable to attend today was DRC leader Lynn Wolff because he is presenting North Dakotans’ concerns about Bakken oil safety to the Crude by Rail Safety Canada Conference, an international oil and gas conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, by the London Business Conference Group.


Also today, DRC presented North Dakota Industrial Commission members with a letter signed by 12 organizations from around the country in support of serious and strong safety measures.


Dakota Resource Council is a North Dakota community-based group bringing together farmers, ranchers, small business owners, workers and other North Dakotans to address multiple issues that affect their lives and livelihoods. Many DRC members are land and/or mineral owners in the Bakken Oil Fields.


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