The following testimony was provided to the North Dakota Health Council on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2016 by experts organized by Dakota Resource Council and the North Dakota Energy Industry Waste Coalition. Dr. Moran and Dr. Beaver provided professional analysis critical of the Argonne National Laboratory study, which recommended the limits for radioactive waste be increased from 5 picocuries to 50 picocuries. The study was used as the basis for the original decision to increase limits that occurred at an illegally noticed meeting in August 2015. See a timeline about radioactive waste in North Dakota here.
Statement to ND Health Council Regarding Proposed Changes to TENORM Waste Disposal Regulations
Bio: Robert E. Moran, a hydrogeologist / geochemist with more than 44 years of domestic and international experience in conducting and managing water quality, geochemical and hydrogeologic work for private investors, industrial clients,
tribal and citizens’ groups, NGO’s, law firms, and governmental agencies at all levels. Much of this technical expertise involves the quality and geochemistry of natural and contaminated waters and sediments as related to mining, nuclear fuel cycle sites,
industrial development, geothermal resources, hazardous wastes, and water supply development. I have significant experience in the application of remote sensing to natural resource issues, development of resource policy, and litigation support.
Public Hearing Testimony Regarding TENORM Management in ND
Bio: Dr. Frank Beaver lives in Grand Forks, North Dakota, and was an assistant professor of geology, geological engineering, and civil engineering at University of North Dakota from 1995-2004. He has a strong background in research, serving as the associate director of the Energy and Environmental Research Center at UND from 1990-1995, where he directed research programs on subjects including groundwater, impacts of chemicals on groundwater quality. Beaver also served as the director for the North Dakota Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute and designed complex field and pilot projects focused on hydrogeology, waste management, and contaminant remediation technology.
Many citizens already impacted by landfills in western North Dakota provided testimony to the Health Council. Check back for additional updates with their testimony.
Re: Decision regarding proposed TENORM rules
One Comment
Doctors have confirmed a single atom can cause cancer 30 to 40 years later unfortunately there is 1800 auto immune diseases that will show up before cancer . Then the difference between 5 to 50 is you are many many times more likely to liquidate assets to pay for the 1800 diseases before the cancer shows up . All the animals died for 70 years in every man made radiation study . No dose is safe that is why we have terrorist laws it was suppose to be why we have media both have failed to protect society dismally .