Historic Victory for Dakota Resource Council and North Dakota Landowners: North Dakota Public Service Commission Denies Summit Carbon Solutions’ Pipeline Application

For Immediate Release, August 4, 2023

Bismarck, ND —Dakota Resource Council (DRC) and the people of North Dakota celebrate a monumental win today as the North Dakota Public Service Commission voted 3-0 to deny Summit Carbon Solutions’ application to construct a carbon dioxide pipeline in the state. This decision represents a significant milestone in the fight for property rights and community empowerment.

Since October 2021, DRC has been at the forefront of this crucial battle, making us the first group in North Dakota to take a stand against the proposed pipeline. Throughout the journey, we have proudly collaborated with a diverse coalition of stakeholders, including landowners, farmers, ranchers, developers, county commissions, school boards, and citizens, united by a common cause to protect our natural resources. The Commission’s decision reinforces the importance of community engagement and highlights the potential for transformative change when individuals and organizations work collaboratively towards shared goals. It serves as a resounding message that determined efforts to protect the environment and defend the interests of local communities can yield positive outcomes.

“This victory is a testament to the strength of our community and the power of collective action across the political spectrum,” said Scott Skokos, Executive Director of Dakota Resource Council. “Together, we have shown that when ‘We the People’ stand together, we can make a difference to protect property rights and our environment for future generations.”

Dakota Resource Council expresses deep gratitude to all the supporters, allies, and partners who have stood alongside us throughout this arduous process. Together, we will continue our efforts to protect the land, water, and communities of North Dakota, and to advocate for environmentally sound solutions that serve the best interests of our citizens.

“Dakota Resource Council is heartened by the unanimous PSC order that Summit: “failed to meet its burden of proof to show that the location, construction, operation and maintenance will produce minimal adverse effects on the environment and on the citizens of North Dakota.” As the heirs of the spirit of the Nonpartisan League (NPL), DRC has opposed this out-of-state pipeline company that would benefit its investors at the expense of North Dakota landowners, communities, and the environment. Like the NPL, DRC is the goat who can’t be got.”


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