Oil and Gas
Oil and gas was one of DRC’s founding issues in 1978, and we continue to work with community members throughout North Dakota regarding oil and gas impacts.
What does the Bakken Oil Boom Mean?
The oil boom means jobs, people moving to North Dakota, and revenue keeping the State of North Dakota financial secure. Yet, without thoughtful planning, foresight or oversight by state government, the oil boom has caused a lot of unnecessary costs to the people of Western North Dakota.
What are the costs?
1. Fracking blowouts that threaten our state’s water resources
2. Saltwater spills that degrade the prairie ecosystem and farm/ranch livelihoods
3. Natural gas flares that negatively impact air quality
1. Destruction of roads due to large trucks carrying equipment for drilling
2. Lack of housing (due to rapid development)
3. No where to put oil fracking wastes
1. Long time residents moving away because they no longer can afford rent; or cannot stand the poor living conditions
2. Increased crime due to mass migration to Western North Dakota, coupled with sub-par living conditions.
Oil and Gas Fact Sheet
The Threat to Theodore Roosevelt National Park
What is DRC doing to help?
DRC is working with concerned community members regarding oil and gas impacts. DRC is committed to finding solutions and organizing communities to make sure oil and gas development is done responsibly.
If you would like to work with DRC regarding oil and gas issues on your land or in your community please contact: info@drcinfo.com
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