LETTER: ND Farm Bureau does not speak for me

Originally published in the Fargo Forum, 6.7.16

by Liane Stout, Buffalo, ND

Did you know that anyone who buys insurance from Nodak Mutual is required to be a member of the North Dakota Farm Bureau? That’s right, you must be a member whether you want to be or not, whether you are a farmer or not. Farm Bureau and its president, Daryl Lies, think they can ultimately speak for me because I have Nodak Insurance; however, they do not represent my views nor are they my voice. It seems to me that the Farm Bureau has run amuck.

This is my response to their lawsuit. Farm Bureau states the lawsuit has nothing to do with the June 14th vote on Measure 1. I find it interesting that if this is the case, why announce their plans now. Is this supposed to be some sort of scare tactic?

This lawsuit is a typical reflection of how the corporate world works. Corporations remove local

control, use their money and power to manipulate laws and the legal system to suite their agenda with little regard for residents of that state, and file lawsuits when they don’t get their way.

Send the corporations and legislators a strong message. We are North Dakota proud. Presently, we are the Breadbasket of the World. We are progressive and competitive and we must protect our resources. We don’t need to be micromanaged by a corporation with stockholders from who knows where.

North Dakota family farmers need to continue to farm for future generations. Your vote does count. Vote “no” on Measure 1 on June 14th and make your voice heard.

Stout lives in Buffalo, N.D.