DRC Member, Don Nelson, responds to Forum Communications Editorial Board
[colored_box color=green]DRC Member Don Nelson[/colored_box] Past DRC Chair, Don Nelson, took the time to respond to both, the Grand Forks Herald and Fargo Forum editorials
[colored_box color=green]DRC Member Don Nelson[/colored_box] Past DRC Chair, Don Nelson, took the time to respond to both, the Grand Forks Herald and Fargo Forum editorials
[colored_box color=green]A fire burns Monday, Feb. 16, 2015, after a train derailment near Charleston, W.Va. Nearby residents were told to evacuate as state emergency response
[colored_box color=green]Photo credit Bob Aaron[/colored_box] DRC Members – armed with information – challenge Dalrymple Administration to do better at regulating volatile oil Bismarck– Dakota Resource
Rachel Maddow ND oil train safeguards too little, too late Rachel Maddow and Wall Street Journal senior energy reporter Russell Gold discuss if new oil
Tougher regulations approved to transport oil By Nick Smith BISMARCK, N.D. — Regulations meant to reduce volatility of crude oil transported from the state were
Oil Trains at Junction By Chester Dawson Oil producers in North Dakota are expected to face new regulations soon on treating their crude oil if
Rebecca Bird SundayReview | LETTERS Oil Drills and Spills Readers discuss the environmental damage in North Dakota from oil extraction. To the Editor: Re “The
[colored_box color=”eg. blue, green, grey, red, yellow”] Gov. Jack Dalrymple with Janelle Steinberg, Mrs. North Dakota, at a celebration in Tioga in June for reaching
“Bombs on the railway?” Trains moving large amounts of ‘Bakken’ crude oil are crashing, burning, exploding BY BRAD HICKS CLICK HERE TO WATCH NEWS VIDEO MILWAUKEE
With eyes in the sky, researchers try to link fracking and illness By Madeleine Thomas Fracking has long been the oil and natural gas industry’s