DRC Presents:

Right To Harm Free Movie Stream
and Web Panel

Movie Stream May 9th - May 19th
Web Panel - May 19th 7pm - 8:30pm

Register Below:

After the Movie

After viewing the movie, meet the Director and Sustainable Agriculture advocate John Ikerd on May 19th at 7pm Central/ 6pm Mountain time online at a very special Go-To-Meeting hosted and moderated by DRC member Curt Stofferahn. 

They will answer any of your questions about the movie or sustainable agriculture.

Meet The Panelists

MATT WECHSLER - DIRECTOR / CINEMATOGRAPHER - Matt is an award winning filmmaker from Chicago and the founder of Hourglass Films. He is a self-taught filmmaker who grew up in a family video production business. After servicing 500+ clients over 12 years, Matt decided to hang up his work-for-hire hat to pursue his dream of documentary filmmaking. He has since been nominated for two local Emmy awards and has won several film festival awards. Matt’s passion to solve complex issues continues to drive his desire to make films. In his film Right to Harm Matt highlights the politics and problems of Confined Animal Feeding Operations and shares the stories of ordinary men and women that stood up to governmental and corporate interests that support them.

JOHN IKERD - John was raised on a small dairy farm of modest means in southwest Missouri. He studied at the University of Missouri, receiving a BS, MS and PhD degrees in Agricultural Economics. John worked three years with Wilson Foods between his BS and MS in product merchandising. After finishing his education, he worked in Extension Agricultural Economics positions at North Carolina State University, 1970-76 and Oklahoma State University, 1976-84 and was Head of Extension Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia from 1984-89.

During the farm crisis of that era, he experienced first-hand the failures of the policies he had been advocating to farmers. John then reoriented his work towards sustainable agriculture and economic sustainability. He returned to the University of Missouri in 1989, under a cooperative agreement with the USDA, to provide state and national leadership for research and education programs related to sustainable agriculture. From 1989 to 2000, in addition to working on several National Sustainable Agriculture Projects with USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education organization, John authored book chapters, journal articles, magazine and trade publications, and conference proceedings all on various aspects of the sustainable agriculture movement and has given congressional testimony in 1989 and 1992. John retired as Professor Emeritus from the University of Missouri in 2000. Since then John has written six books on sustainable agriculture and sustainable economics.

​In 2011, John moved to Fairfield, Iowa. There he has been co-teaching Sustainable Economics courses, putting on conferences, and collaborating with others to develop the concept of Deep Sustainability—an obvious extension of John’s later work, whereby sustainability’s economic concerns are bounded by social relationships, with both being ultimately bounded by ethical and moral beliefs. Deep Sustainability goes to the root of unsustainability, questioning the exclusive roles that science and economics play in making decisions about our future. John is also on the board of Jefferson County Farmers and Neighbors, which is a local organization organized to stop the spread of Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and the national Socially Responsible Agricultural Project.

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