Bismarck Residents Get Curbside Recycling!
After years of hard work on the issue, Missouri Valley Resource Council (MVRC) members were pleased when the Bismarck City Commission voted to implement curbside recycling on Tuesday February 12, 2013.
In a full room of more than 100 people – including over 20 MVRC members – city commissioners heard two hours of testimony from more than 30 people on many sides of the issue. Speaking in support of curbside recycling were over 10 MVRC members – all Bismarck residents ranging from children to retirees and from business people to mothers to retired pastors to students.
MVRC testimony ranged from the convenience factor of curbside recycling to the values behind why widespread recycling is something that improves a community and makes everyone better stewards to the earth.
Some notable testimony came from MVRC member Colleen Reinke, who has been a consistent, vocal leader in the movement to get curbside recycling in Bismarck for over five years. She served as a member of the city’s recycling task force.
“This is the easiest method for residents by far. It is state of the art and the only thing easier than this is to not recycle at all and we know that will have consequences for our landfill” said Colleen.
This past spring Colleen started the curbside recycling rebellion, which helped rejuvenate MVRC’s efforts. Colleen’s recycling rebellion began when she urged her friends and neighbors to put recyclables on the curb as a protest to the city’s lack of curbside recycling.
Soon Colleen and others in Bismarck will be able to put their recyclable items in a container that can be placed on their curb for pick up.
MVRC has been working on recycling issues since 2001. During the past year, MVRC members gathered over 625 signatures from Bismarck residents in support of curbside, talked to friends and neighbors, and spoke at city commission meetings.
On Tuesday, after a lengthy discussion by the commissioners, commissioners voted unanimously to start curbside recycling with the caveat that homeowners can have a one-time opt-out.
The adoption of curbside recycling marks a big victory for MVRC and its members. After years of campaigning, talking and sharing information with lots of people in the community, and doing several actions, MVRC members are pleased their hard work was successful.